Thursday, July 27, 2006


I read about the 50 Over 50 competition in an art magazine and thought it sounded worth a shot. After all, it limited the competition if you had to be over 50 to enter it!
I am interested, every year, in the spectacular event of the Boat Race, and I love drawing and painting it. So this is the result of my endeavours, a similar composition to the watercolour I worked on later in the month.
The 50 Over 50 competition was run by the University of Brighton, I believe, and the gallery is under the control of Brighton and Hove City Council. The art works had to be photographed and then the image submitted on a CD-Rom with a sumission form which had to be downloaded from the 50 Over 50 website. I have never submitted work in this way before but it certainly cuts down on the trips you have to take with heavy, bulky and fragile paintings on the tube or train.
Luckily this time my image was selected to go to the final stage of selection, and was collected by a company called C'Art for transportation to Brighton.
Then I was not so lucky as the drawing was not selected for the final exhibition. I got the usual letter. The usual expression of regret. It was an efficient business though, and C'Art brought my picture back to the door a week later, no problems.
This was a nationwide competition so it must have taken some organizing.

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